for SKB-Framework v0.0.4, May 27, 2019
1. API
1.1. Commands
1.1.1. GetCommandID
Returns the identifier (name) of a command for a given input string.
Arguments | Return (print) |
$1: the input string to test for a command identifier |
Success: long form of the command Error: empty string |
id=$(GetCommandID "string")
1.2. Config
1.2.1. WriteRuntimeConfig
Writes runtime configuration file.
The file name is taken from CONFIG_MAP["FW_L1_CONFIG"]
The file is removed, and then all configuration maps are written into a new file.
Arguments | Return |
none |
none |
The written maps are:
General Configurations
CONFIG_MAP - configuration
CONFIG_SRC - setting source
FW_PATH_MAP - paths for the framework
APP_PATH_MAP - paths for an application
CHAR_MAP - the map of characters (UTF-8)
COLORS - the map of ANSI color codes
EFFECTS - the map of ANSI text effects
DMAP_OPT_ORIGIN - options and their declaration origin
DMAP_OPT_SHORT - short option names
DMAP_OPT_ARG - option arguments
Exit Status
DMAP_ES - map of exit status declarations
DMAP_ES_PROBLEM - exit status problem identifiers (internal, external)
DMAP_CMD - command declarations
DMAP_CMD_SHORT - command short names
DMAP_CMD_ARG - command arguments
DMAP_PARAM_ORIGIN - parameter origin (framework or application)
DMAP_PARAM_DECL - parameter declaration file
DMAP_PARAM_DEFVAL - parameter default value
DMAP_PARAM_IS - parameter is relationship, e.g. is a directory
DMAP_DEP_ORIGIN - dependency origin (framework or application)
DMAP_DEP_DECL - dependency declaration file
DMAP_DEP_REQ_DEP - dependency requires another dependency
DMAP_DEP_CMD - dependency test command
Dependency Runtime
RTMAP_DEP_STATUS - test status
DMAP_TASK_ORIGIN - task origin (framework or application)
DMAP_TASK_DECL - task declaration file
DMAP_TASK_SHORT - short task name
DMAP_TASK_EXEC - task script location and name
DMAP_TASK_MODES - task modes
Task Requirements
DMAP_TASK_REQ_PARAM_MAN - required mandatory parameters
DMAP_TASK_REQ_PARAM_OPT - required optional parameters
DMAP_TASK_REQ_DEP_MAN - required mandatory dependencies
DMAP_TASK_REQ_DEP_OPT - required optional dependencies
DMAP_TASK_REQ_TASK_MAN - required other tasks, mandatory
DMAP_TASK_REQ_TASK_OPT - required other tasks, optional
DMAP_TASK_REQ_DIR_MAN - required mandatory directories
DMAP_TASK_REQ_DIR_OPT - required optional directories
DMAP_TASK_REQ_FILE_MAN - required mandatory files
DMAP_TASK_REQ_FILE_OPT - required optional files
Tasks Runtime
RTMAP_TASK_STATUS - task load status
RTMAP_TASK_LOADED - loaded tasks
RTMAP_TASK_UNLOADED - unloaded tasks
DMAP_SCN_ORIGIN - scenario origin (framework, application, or path)
DMAP_SCN_DECL - scenario declaration file
DMAP_SCN_SHORT - short scenario name
DMAP_SCN_EXEC - scenario script location and name
DMAP_SCN_MODES - scenario modes
DMAP_SCN_REQ_TASK_MAN - scenario required tasks, mandatory
DMAP_SCN_REQ_TASK_OPT - scenario required tasks, optional
Scenario Runtime
RTMAP_SCN_STATUS - load status
RTMAP_SCN_LOADED - loaded scenarios
RTMAP_SCN_UNLOADED - unloaded scenarios
Runtime Maps
RTMAP_REQUESTED_DEP - requested dependencies
RTMAP_REQUESTED_PARAM - requested parameters
Description Maps
DMAP_CMD_DESCR - commands
DMAP_DEP_DESCR - dependencies
DMAP_ES_DESCR - exit status codes
DMAP_OPT_DESCR - options
DMAP_PARAM_DESCR - parameters
DMAP_SCN_DESCR - scenarios
1.3. Console
1.3.1. ConsoleMessage
Prints a message to the console (standard error).
The function uses CONFIG_MAP["RUNNING_IN"]
to determine which setting to use:
for the loader,
for the shell, or
for tasks.
If the setting for quiet is off, it prints the message.
Otherwise it does not print the message.
Arguments | Return |
$1: the message |
none |
ConsoleMessage "message"
1.3.2. ConsoleIsMessage
Returns the message status.
The function uses CONFIG_MAP["RUNNING_IN"]
to determine which setting to use:
for the loader,
for the shell, or
for tasks.
Arguments | Return (print) |
none |
1 for on, 0 for off |
if ConsoleIsMessage; then …; else …; fi
1.3.3. ConsoleIsPrompt
Returns shell-prompt status from CONFIG_MAP["SHELL_SNP"]
The function uses CONFIG_MAP["RUNNING_IN"]
to determine which setting to use:
for the loader,
for the shell, or
for tasks.
Arguments | Return (print) |
none |
1 for on, 0 for off |
if ConsoleIsPrompt; then …; else …; fi
1.3.4. ConsoleFatal
Prints an error message with [Fatal] tag if the level for fatal is set and increases the error counter.
The function uses CONFIG_MAP["RUNNING_IN"]
to determine which setting to use:
counter for the loader,
counter for the shell, or
counter for tasks.
Arguments | Return (print) |
$1: message prefix, e.g. script name with colon $2: the error message |
none |
ConsoleFatal " →" "fatal error message"
1.3.5. ConsoleError
Prints an error message with [Error] tag if the level for fatal is set and increases the error counter.
The function uses CONFIG_MAP["RUNNING_IN"]
to determine which setting to use:
counter for the loader,
counter for the shell, or
counter for tasks.
Arguments | Return (print) |
$1: message prefix, e.g. script name with colon $2: the error message |
none |
ConsoleError " →" "error message"
1.3.6. ConsoleResetErrors
Resets the error counter, i.e. sets it to 0.
The function uses CONFIG_MAP["RUNNING_IN"]
to determine which counter to reset:
for the loader,
for the shell, or
for tasks.
1.3.7. ConsoleHasErrors
Returns true if the counter has errors (i.e. is larger than 0) or false if it does not have errors (i.e. is 0).
The function uses CONFIG_MAP["RUNNING_IN"]
to determine which counter to use:
for the loader,
for the shell, or
for tasks.
Arguments | Return |
none |
true (0) if errors false (1) if no errors |
if ConsoleHasErrors; then …; …; fi
if ConsoleHasErrors; then …; else …; fi
1.3.8. ConsoleWarnStrict
Prints a strict warning message.
If the application is not in strict mode, those messages are considered warnings.
Here, the message will be printed with the tag [Warn/Strict] and the warning counter will be increased.
If the application is in strict mode, those messages are considered errors.
Here, the message will be printed with the tag [Error/Strict] and ere, the error counter will be increased.
In ansi print mode, Warn is yellow and Error is red.
The function uses CONFIG_MAP["RUNNING_IN"]
to determine which counter to increase.
Arguments | Return |
$1: message prefix, script name with colon $2: the warning/error message |
none |
ConsoleWarnStrict " →" "did not find file $FILE"
1.3.9. ConsoleWarn
Prints a warning message.
The message will be printed with the tag [Warn] and the warning counter will be increased.
If the application is in strict mode, those messages are considered errors.
The function uses CONFIG_MAP["RUNNING_IN"]
to determine which counter to increase:
for the loader,
for the shell, or
for tasks.
Arguments | Return |
$1: message prefix, script name with colon $2: the warning message |
none |
ConsoleWarn " →" "did not find file $FILE"
1.3.10. ConsoleResetWarnings
Resets the warning counter, i.e. sets it to 0.
The function uses CONFIG_MAP["RUNNING_IN"]
to determine which counter to reset:
for the loader,
for the shell, or
for tasks.
1.3.11. ConsoleHasWarnings
Returns true if the counter has warnings (i.e. is larger than 0) or false if it does not have warnings (i.e. is 0).
The function uses CONFIG_MAP["RUNNING_IN"]
to determine which counter to use:
for the loader,
for the shell, or
for tasks.
Arguments | Return |
none |
true (0) if warnings false (1) if no warnings |
if ConsoleHasWarnings; then …; …; fi
if ConsoleHasWarnings; then …; else …; fi
1.3.12. ConsoleInfo
Prints an information message. The message will be printed with the tag [Info].
Arguments | Return |
$1: message prefix, script name with colon $2: the message |
none |
ConsoleInfo " →" "I am doing something now"
1.3.13. ConsoleDebug
Prints a debug message. The message will be printed with the prefix ` >` in bold.
Arguments | Return |
$1: the message |
none |
ConsoleDebug "I am doing something now"
1.3.14. ConsoleTrace
Prints a trace message. The message will be printed with the prefix ` >` in italic.
Arguments | Return |
$1: the message |
none |
ConsoleTrace "I am doing something now"
1.3.15. ConsoleIsDebug
Returns the message status.
The function uses CONFIG_MAP["RUNNING_IN"]
to determine which setting to use:
for the loader,
for the shell, or
for tasks.
Arguments | Return (print) |
none |
1 for on, 0 for off |
if ConsoleIsDebug; then …; else …; fi
1.3.16. ConsoleIsTrace
Returns the message status.
The function uses CONFIG_MAP["RUNNING_IN"]
to determine which setting to use:
for the loader,
for the shell, or
for tasks.
Arguments | Return (print) |
none |
1 for on, 0 for off |
if ConsoleIsTrace; then …; else …; fi
1.4. Execute
1.4.1. ExecuteTask
Executes a task.
Arguments | Return |
$1: full command line for the task |
none |
The first word from the argument is taken as the task name. This can be the task’s short or long name. The task must be loaded and available for execution.
This function will print extra information (header and footer, execution time calculations) for most tasks.
The exception here are all standard tasks known to not need header and footers: list-*, describe-*, setting, manual, statistics, and wait.
Also: any task execution that includes the arguments -h
or --help
will not see header and footer printed.
For the task wait, an additional calculation of the actual wait time is displayed.
ExecuteTask "$SARG"
ExecuteTask "list-tasks -AT"
1.4.2. ExecuteScenario
Executes a scenario.
Arguments | Return |
$1: scenario ID, short or long |
none |
The scenario must be loaded and available for execution.
ExecuteScenario build-site
1.5. MVN Site
1.5.1. MvnSiteFixAdoc
Fixes HTML files generated from ADOC sources by the Maven site and Asciidoctor plugins. The problems fixed are:
*add a text to the HTML title of the page (empty otherwise) * add text to the active bread crumb list item (empty otherwise)
This function will take the file name (first argument, no extension) and use sed
to add the text from the second argument to the HTML file.
For the title, it assumes that there is a prefix in the title, so it adds x2013; $2
Arguments | Return |
$1: file name $2: text |
none |
MvnSiteFixAdoc target/site/developer-guide/api/mvn-site "API: MVN Site"
1.6. Print ANSI
The functions here will print text according to the current print mode in CONFIG_MAP["PRINT_MODE"]
ansi - with ANSI encoded colors or effects
adoc - in AsciiDoc notation
text - as plain text
text-anon - as annotated text
By default, the functions take the current print mode. They can also be requested to use a specific, then forced, print mode.
The printed text will not contain a line feed.
1.6.1. PrintColor
Prints text in color in ansi mode, just text otherwise.
Arguments | Return |
$1: color $2: message $3: forced print mode |
none |
PrintColor light-green "I am available"
PrintColor yellow "some problem here"
Supported colors are:
1.6.2. PrintEffect
Prints text with an effect in ansi mode, plain text in text mode, and text with some annotation in adoc and text-anon mode.
Arguments | Return |
$1: effect $2: message $3: forced print mode |
none |
PrintColor bold "I am available"
PrintColor reverse "Name Description"
Supported effects are:
bold - either bold, plain text or as annotation using
italic - either italic, plain text or as annotation
reverse - either reverse, or plain text
1.7. Prompt
Collection of functions for the shell prompt.
1.7.1. PromptSfMode
Prints the application flavor and the mode in brackets.
1.8. Prompt
Collection of functions for scenarios.
1.8.1. GetScenarioID
Returns the identifier (name) of a scenario for a given input string.
Arguments | Return (print) |
$1: the input string to test for a scenario identifier |
Success: long form of the scenario Error: empty string |
id=$(GetScenarioID "string")
1.9. Prompt
Collection of functions for the underlying system.
1.9.1. PathToSystemPath
Converts a given path to a system-specific representation. This can be important when running on hybrid systems. In Cygwin for instance, one can execute Windows programs that do not understand UNIx path. This function can convert the paths.
The system is taken from CONFIG_MAP["SYSTEM"]
If no special path conversion is implemented for the system, the original path is returned.
Arguments | Return (print) |
$1: path to convert |
converted or original path |
VARIABLE=$(PathToSystemPath "path")
Currently supported conversions are:
Cygwin: uses
cygpath -m
for the conversion
1.10. Prompt
Collection of functions for tasks.
1.10.1. GetTaskID
Returns the identifier (name) of a task for a given input string.
Arguments | Return (print) |
$1: the input string to test for a task identifier |
Success: long form of the task Error: empty string |
id=$(GetTaskID "string")
1.10.2. BuildTaskHelpLine
Prints a single line for the task help screen with one argument and its settings. An argument is described by:
a short form, use
if not applicable -
a long form, use
if not applicable -
an argument, use
if not applicable, if used the string will be converted to upper case spelling -
a description in form of a short tag line
Additionally, a length value an be given. The length is used to calculate the padding between short/long/argument and description. The padding default value is 24.
Arguments | Return |
$1: short options $2: long option $3: argument $4: description $5: length |
none |
BuildTaskHelpLine h help "<none>" "print help screen and exit" 25
BuildTaskHelpLine f file "FILE" "file to open in viewer" 25
1.10.3. TaskGetCachedHelp
Returns a file name with cached help screen for current print-mode, none if none found.
Arguments | Return (print) |
$1: task ID, long form |
Success: file name Error: empty string |
CACHED_HELP=$(TaskGetCachedHelp "my-task")