for SKB-Framework v0.0.4, May 27, 2019
1. Introduction
This guide provides details for all tasks of the framework. The tasks are described in three categories:
Use Tasks - these tasks are mainly directed at the application mode use.
Build Tasks - these tasks are mainly directed at the application mode builde. They do build artifacts or compile source files to build artifacts.
Development Tasks - these tasks are mainly directed at the application mode dev. They provide functionality required to develop and application or to build important runtime artifacts for an application.
A task in the framework is essentially a bash script that benefits from provided functions of the framework, such as loading and testing dependencies or parameters.
By convention, each task should provide an argument -h
or --help
, which shows its arguments.
For simple tasks, the description in this guide does no go beyond what this help and the online help (or manual) already provides.
One of those tasks is wait.
For more complex tasks, with either a lot of arguments or special configuration requirements, this guide provides all details required to use the task.
One of those tasks is build-mvn-site
, which not only has a rather complex process but also requires additional metadata for sites to exist.
For details on how to develop and write a task please see the developer guide. This document focuses only on how to use tasks.
2. Use Tasks
This category of tasks provides functionality for using built artifacts or functionality that does not require a build. Those tasks, if they provide important functionality, might also be available in the application modes build and/or dev.
2.1. list-*
There are eight tasks that start with list-. Each of these tasks provides a list of framework and application features, namely:
list-commands - lists shell commands
list-configuration - list current configuration keys and values
list-dependencies - lists dependencies
list-exitstatus - lists exit status, error codes
list-options - lists CLI options
list-parameters - lists parameters
list-scenarios - lists scenarios
list-tasks - lists tasks
All of these tasks have the same default behavior, provide the same main options, and can be used with (then task specific) filters. The default behavior, when executed without any arguments, is to provide a simple list. For example, when list-tasks is called it provides a simple list of tasks. For each item in the list, the tasks show the identifier (or key), if available a short identifier, and a description (e.g. for tasks) or values (e.g. for list-configuration). The list will be empty if no items where found, e.g. in list-scenarios when no scenarios have been loaded.
The standard options are shown below. Each of the list tasks provides a table view, which provides more detailed information for their items. The list tasks can also use a print mode different than the currently configured. print-mode can be set to any mode that is supported by the API, namely:
adoc - print in AscciDoc format
ansi - print with ANSI formatting for colors and effects
text - print as plain text, no special formatting will be used
text-anon - print as text with some annotations, similar to adoc
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-P | --print-mode MODE print mode: ansi, text, adoc
-T | --table help screen format
All list tasks with filters provide a standard filter for listing all items, shown below. All other filters are task specific. If filters are used, only items that satisfy the filter will be listed. Any number of filters can be used in any combination.
-A | --all all settings, disables all other filters
2.1.1. list-commands
List the shell commands. This task does not provide any further options or filters.
2.1.2. list-configuration
Lists configurations keys and values. For print mode ansi, some of the values are color-coded or printed in bold or italic, for example:
Values for application mode: use printed in green, build printed in blue, dev printed in yellow, all printed in dark red
Values for levels: error printed in red, warn printed in yellow, info printed in green, debug and trace printed in blue
Value for flavor: printed in bold
Values for quiet settings: off printed in green, on printed in red
In table mode, a color coded status indicates from where a setting was taken.
The task offers a number of filters. They all relate to the original source from which a configuration value was set: command line, environment, configuration file, default value, or internally.
-c | --cli only settings from CLI options
-d | --default only settings from default value
-e | --env only settings from environment
-f | --file only settings from configuration file
-i | --internal only internal settings
This task can take the list of items from the framework or application cache. If CACHE_DIR is set to a directory that contains cached command information (map), this information is used.
2.1.3. list-dependencies
Lists dependencies with name and description. Table mode shows two more aspects of dependencies: the origin of its declaration (framework or application) and the load status (color coded).
Provided filters:
install - only dependencies that are only required by tasks that run in
application mode flavor -
origin - filter by declaration origin
framework (as:
, orframework
), or -
application (as:
, orapplication
requested - show dependencies that have been requested by a loaded task
status - filter by dependency status
success (as:
, orsuccess
), -
warnings (as:
, orwarning
), -
errors (as:
, orerror
), or -
not attempted (as:
, ornot-attempted
tested - filter dependencies that have been tested, ignoring untested dependencies
-I | --install only dependencies required only by install tasks
-o | --origin ORIGIN only dependencies from origin: f(w), a(pp)
-r | --requested only requested dependencies
-s | --status STATUS only dependencies with status: (s)uccess, (w)arning, (e)rror, (n)ot attempted
-t | --tested only tested dependencies
This task can take the list of items from the framework or application cache. If CACHE_DIR is set to a directory that contains cached dependency information (map), this information is used.
2.1.4. list-exitstatus
Lists exit status codes with their number and description. Table mode shows two more aspects: the origin (of an error: all, application, framework, loader, shell, tasks) and an indicator of the problem (internal for a bug, external for a configuration problem). Provided filters focus on the origin of the problem.
--app only application status
-f | --fw only framework status
-l | --loader only loader status
-s | --shell only shell status
-t | --task only task status
This task can take the list of items from the framework or application cache. If CACHE_DIR is set to a directory that contains cached exit status information (map), this information is used.
2.1.5. list-options
Lists command line options with name, short name, if required a parameter, and a description. Table mode also shows the type of option, being either an exit option or a runtime option. Provided filters focus on the option type.
-e | --exit only exit options
-r | --run only runtime options
This task can take the list of items from the framework or application cache. If CACHE_DIR is set to a directory that contains cached option information (map), this information is used.
2.1.6. list-parameters
Lists parameters with their name and description. Table mode shows three more aspects of parameters: the origin of its declaration (framework or application), an indicator for a defined default value (red cross for not defined, green ok for defined), and a color coded load status.
The task also provides a second table. This table shows the parameter names with their declared default value.
-D | --def-table print default value table
Provided filters are:
default - show parameters with a set default value
install - only parameters that are only required by tasks that run in
application mode flavor -
origin - filter by declaration origin
framework (as:
, orframework
), or -
application (as:
, orapplication
requested - show parameters that have been requested by a loaded task
status - filter for parameter setting status
not set (as
, ornotset
) -
set from command line option (as:
) -
set from environment (as
) -
set from configuration file (as
) -
set from default value (as
-d | --default only parameters with a defined default value
-I | --install only parameters required only by install tasks
-o | --origin ORIGIN only parameters from origin: f(w), a(pp)
-r | --requested only requested dependencies
-s | --status STATUS only parameter for status: o, f, e, d
This task can take the list of items from the framework or application cache. If CACHE_DIR is set to a directory that contains cached parameter information (map), this information is used.
2.1.7. list-scenarios
Lists scenarios with their name, short name, and a description. Table mode shows a few more aspects of scenarios:
the origin of its declaration (framework or application),
the application mode flavor, being either
, -
if the scenario is declared for application dev,
if the scenario is declared for application build,
if the scenario is declared for application use, and
a color coded load status.
Provided filters are:
install - only scenarios that are defined for the
application mode flavor -
loaded - show only scenarios currently loaded
mode - show only scenarios for a specific application mode
for mode all use
for mode dev use
for mode build use
for mode use use
filters to exclude scenarios by name:
no-a for all these no filters
no-b to exclude scenarios that start with
no-d to exclude scenarios that start with
no-dl to exclude scenarios that start with
no-l to exclude scenarios that start with
no-s to exclude scenarios that start with
origin - * origin - filter by declaration origin
framework (as:
, orframework
), or -
application (as:
, orapplication
odl - filter for scenarios that start with
status - filter by scenario status
success (as:
, orsuccess
), -
warnings (as:
, orwarning
), -
errors (as:
, orerror
), or -
not attempted (as:
, ornot-attempted
unloaded - filter for scenarios that have been unloaded
-I | --install only scenarios for application mode flavor 'install'
-l | --loaded only loaded scenarios
-m | --mode MODE only scenarios for application mode: dev, build, use
--no-a activate all '--no-' filters
--no-b exclude scenarios starting with 'build-'
--no-d exclude scenarios starting with 'describe-'
--no-dl exclude scenarios starting with 'describe-' or 'list-'
--no-l exclude scenarios starting with 'list-'
--no-s exclude scenarios starting with 'start-'
-o | --origin ORIGIN only scenarios from origin: f(w), a(pp)
--odl show only scenarios starting with 'describe-' or 'list-'
-s | --status STATUS only scenarios with status: (s)uccess, (w)arning, (e)rror, (n)ot attempted
-u | --unloaded only unloaded scenarios
This task can take the list of items from the framework or application cache. If CACHE_DIR is set to a directory that contains cached scenario information (map), this information is used.
2.1.8. list-tasks
Lists tasks with their name, short name, and a description. Table mode shows a few more aspects of tasks:
the origin of its declaration (framework or application),
the application mode flavor, being either
, -
if the task is declared for application dev,
if the task is declared for application build,
if the task is declared for application use, and
a color coded load status.
Provided filters are:
install - only tasks that are defined for the
application mode flavor -
loaded - show only tasks currently loaded
mode - show only tasks for a specific application mode
for mode all use
for mode dev use
for mode build use
for mode use use
filters to exclude tasks by name:
no-a for all these no filters
no-b to exclude tasks that start with
no-d to exclude tasks that start with
no-dl to exclude tasks that start with
no-l to exclude tasks that start with
no-s to exclude tasks that start with
origin - * origin - filter by declaration origin
framework (as:
, orframework
), or -
application (as:
, orapplication
odl - filter for tasks that start with
status - filter by task status
success (as:
, orsuccess
), -
warnings (as:
, orwarning
), -
errors (as:
, orerror
), or -
not attempted (as:
, ornot-attempted
unloaded - filter for tasks that have been unloaded
-I | --install only tasks for application mode flavor 'install'
-l | --loaded only loaded tasks
-m | --mode MODE only tasks for application mode: dev, build, use
--no-a activate all '--no-' filters
--no-b exclude tasks starting with 'build-'
--no-d exclude tasks starting with 'describe-'
--no-dl exclude tasks starting with 'describe-' or 'list-'
--no-l exclude tasks starting with 'list-'
--no-s exclude tasks starting with 'start-'
-o | --origin ORIGIN only tasks from origin: f(w), a(pp)
--odl show only tasks starting with 'describe-' or 'list-'
-s | --status STATUS only tasks with status: (s)uccess, (w)arning, (e)rror, (n)ot attempted
-u | --unloaded only unloaded tasks
This task can take the list of items from the framework or application cache. If CACHE_DIR is set to a directory that contains cached task information (map), this information is used.
2.2. describe-*
There are nine tasks that start with describe-. Each of these tasks provides a description of one or more framework and application features, namely:
describe-application - describes one or more application aspects (from the manual)
describe-command - describes one or more shell commands
describe-dependency - describes one or more dependencies
describe-element - describes one or more element types of an application
describe-exitstatus - describes one or more exit status (error codes)
describe-option - describes one or more CLI options
describe-parameter - describes one or more parameters
describe-scenario - describes one or more scenarios
describe-task - describes one or more tasks
All of these tasks have the same default behavior, provide the same main options, and can be used with (then task specific) filters. The default behavior, when executed without any arguments, is to provide a list of descriptions. For example, when describe-task is called it provides list of task descriptions, one per declared task. The description will be empty if no items where found, e.g. in describe-scenario when no scenarios have been loaded.
The standard options are shown below. print-mode can be set to any mode that is supported by the API, namely:
adoc - print in AscciDoc format
ansi - print with ANSI formatting for colors and effects
text - print as plain text, no special formatting will be used
text-anon - print as text with some annotations, similar to adoc
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-P | --print-mode MODE print mode: ansi, text, adoc
All describe tasks with filters provide a standard filter for describing all found items, shown below. Tasks that describe elements (e.g. task, parameter, dependency) also provide a filter to only describe a single element by name (identifier). All other filters are task specific. If filters are used, only items that satisfy the filter will be described. Any number of filters can be used in any combination.
-A | --all all settings, disables all other filters
2.2.1. describe-application
Describe application aspects from the manual. The provided filters focus on the different aspects. If filters are used, only aspects specified will be shown. If no filters are used, all aspects are shown.
--app include application description
--authors include authors
--bugs include bugs
--copying include copying
--resources include resources
--security include security
The text is taken from the manual. This MANUAL_SRC must point to valid manual sources.
2.2.2. describe-command
Describes one or more commands. The id filter can be used to show only a specific command. For the id, the long or the short form of the command can be used.
-i | --id ID long command identifier
2.2.3. describe-dependency
Describes one or more dependencies. Provided filters are:
id - identifies a specific dependency and only this one will be described
install - only dependencies that are only required by tasks that run in
application mode flavor -
origin - filter by declaration origin
framework (as:
, orframework
), or -
application (as:
, orapplication
requested - show dependencies that have been requested by a loaded task
status - filter by dependency status
success (as:
, orsuccess
), -
warnings (as:
, orwarning
), -
errors (as:
, orerror
), or -
not attempted (as:
, ornot-attempted
tested - filter dependencies that have been tested, ignoring untested dependencies
-i | --id ID dependency identifier
-I | --install only dependencies required only by install tasks
-o | --origin ORIGIN only dependencies from origin: f(w), a(pp)
-r | --requested only requested dependencies
-s | --status STATUS only dependencies with status: (s)uccess, (w)arning, (e)rror, (n)ot attempted
-t | --tested only tested dependencies
2.2.4. describe-element
Describes framework and application element types, e.g. task, parameter, and description. The text is the same as used in the manual as introduction to the elements. The provided filters focus on the different element types. If filters are used, only types specified will be shown. If no filters are used, all types are shown.
--cmd include commands
--dep include dependencies
--es include exit status
--opt include options
--param include parameters
--scn include scenarios
--task include tasks
The text is taken from the manual. This MANUAL_SRC must point to valid manual sources.
2.2.5. describe-exitstatus
Describes one or more exit status codes. The id filter can be used to show only a specific status code.
-i | --id ID exit-status identifier
2.2.6. describe-option
Describes one or more command line options. The id filter can be used to show only a specific option. For the id, the long or the short form of the option can be used. The other filters focus on the option type, being either exit options or runtime options.
-e | --exit only exit options
-i | --id ID long option identifier
-r | --run only runtime options
2.2.7. describe-parameter
Describes one or more parameters. The following filters are provided:
default - describe parameters with a set default value
id - only describe a specific parameter, the identifier can be given in lower-case or upper-case or mixed spelling
install - only parameters that are only required by tasks that run in
application mode flavor -
origin - filter by declaration origin
framework (as:
, orframework
), or -
application (as:
, orapplication
requested - show parameters that have been requested by a loaded task
status - filter for parameter setting status
not set (as
, ornotset
) -
set from command line option (as:
) -
set from environment (as
) -
set from configuration file (as
) -
set from default value (as
-d | --default only parameters with a defined default value
-i | --id ID parameter identifier
-I | --install only parameters required only by install tasks
-o | --origin ORIGIN only parameters from origin: f(w), a(pp)
-r | --requested only requested dependencies
-s | --status STATUS only parameter for status: o, f, e, d
This task can also be used to show debug information, rather than descriptions. Using the debug option will print all information about one or more parameters (depending on the used filters).
-D | --debug print debug information instead of description
2.2.8. describe-scenario
Describes one or more scenarios. Provided filters are:
id - only describe a specific scenario, the identifier can be the long name or the short name of the scenario
install - only scenarios that are defined for the
application mode flavor -
loaded - show only scenarios currently loaded
mode - show only scenarios for a specific application mode
for mode all use
for mode dev use
for mode build use
for mode use use
origin - * origin - filter by declaration origin
framework (as:
, orframework
), or -
application (as:
, orapplication
status - filter by scenario status
success (as:
, orsuccess
), -
warnings (as:
, orwarning
), -
errors (as:
, orerror
), or -
not attempted (as:
, ornot-attempted
unloaded - filter for scenarios that have been unloaded
-i | --id ID scenario identifier
-I | --install only scenarios declared for application mode flavor 'install'
-l | --loaded only loaded scenarios
-m | --mode MODE only scenarios for application mode: dev, build, use
-o | --origin ORIGIN only scenarios from origin: f(w), a(pp)
-s | --status STATUS only scenarios for status: (s)uccess, (w)arning, (e)rror, (n)ot attempted
-u | --unloaded only unloaded scenarios
This task can also be used to show debug information, rather than descriptions. Using the debug option will print all information about one or more dependencies (depending on the used filters).
-D | --debug print debug information instead of description
2.2.9. describe-task
Describes one or more tasks. Provided filters are:
id - only describe a specific task, the identifier can be the long name or the short name of the task
install - include tasks that are defined for the
application mode flavor -
loaded - show only tasks currently loaded
mode - show only tasks for a specific application mode
for mode all use
for mode dev use
for mode build use
for mode use use
origin - * origin - filter by declaration origin
framework (as:
, orframework
), or -
application (as:
, orapplication
status - filter by task status
success (as:
, orsuccess
), -
warnings (as:
, orwarning
), -
errors (as:
, orerror
), or -
not attempted (as:
, ornot-attempted
unloaded - filter for tasks that have been unloaded
-i | --id ID task identifier
-I | --install only tasks declared for application mode flavor 'install'
-l | --loaded only loaded tasks
-m | --mode MODE only tasks for application mode: dev, build, use
-o | --origin ORIGIN only tasks from origin: f(w), a(pp)
-s | --status STATUS only tasks for status: (s)uccess, (w)arning, (e)rror, (n)ot attempted
-u | --unloaded only unloaded tasks
This task can also be used to show debug information, rather than descriptions. Using the debug option will print all information about one or more tasks (depending on the used filters).
-D | --debug print debug information instead of description
2.3. cloc-installation
This tasks counts the lines of code of an installation. It is available in all application modes.
The task forces files that cloc
identifies as sh files to be treated as bash files, using the cloc
option --force-lang="Bourne Again Shell",sh
This ensures that the installation’s include and application files (without the .sh
extension) are counted as bash files.
More details on cloc
can be found at the Github source repository on Github.
2.3.1. Options
The task does not have any special options.
-h | --help print help screen and exit
2.3.2. Examples
Simply running the task will count the lines of code of an installation. The following is the output of running this task on the SKB-Framework in an earlier version.
545 text files.
539 unique files.
222 files ignored. v 1.80 T=1.00 s (376.0 files/s, 23126.0 lines/s)
Language files blank comment code
Bourne Again Shell 226 2618 5211 12077
HTML 1 0 1 1635
AsciiDoc 147 308 0 1202
XML 1 7 21 28
Ant 1 4 1 13
SUM: 376 2937 5234 14955
The count shows the two ANT files (build file and macro file) as ANT and XML language files.
All ADOC files are shown as AsciiDoc language files
The HTML file is the framework’s HTML manual.
The top line shows the lines of code for all bash scripts in the installation, including all tasks and .id
2.3.3. Requirements
The task requires the tool cloc
being installed.
The dependency is called by the same name: cloc.
If cloc
is not installed, the task will print an error.
2.4. execute-program
This task executes an external program. The program can be started in different ways:
Without any argument, the program is executed inside the task. This means that the task hands over execution to the program. Only when the program is finished will the task continue.
Using background will start the program in the background, adding an ampersand
to the program. This means that the task will continue immediately after the program is started. Since the task then terminates, there is no further job control on the program. Furthermore, all program output will appear along with the task and then the shell. -
Using xterm will start the a new XTerm and execute the program there as a command. This means that the task will continue immediately after the program is started. Since the task then terminates, there is no further job control on the XTerm. All output will of course happen in the new XTerm.
-b | --background run program in background
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-t | --title TITLE title for the XTerm, default: program name
-x | --xterm start a new XTerm and execute program
The actual program and its arguments should be provided after --
in the command line.
All characters here will be simply used to execute the program.
2.4.1. Examples
The following example executes ls
in the current directory (where the application was started from).
execute-program — ls
The following example executes ls
in the current directory (where the application was started from).
It runs ls
in the background, which causes an error since ls
takes the added ampersand &
as an argument.
execute-program --background — ls
The following example starts the editor vi
with the file
in a new XTerm.
execute-program --xterm — vi
2.4.2. Requirements
To start a program in a new XTerm, the task start-xterm
must be available.
This task has its own configuration settings, e.g. to set the XTerm executable.
2.5. manual
This task will show the application manual. If no filters are used, i.e. no argument is provided, the text manual for the current print mode will be shown.
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-A | --all all manual versions
--adoc ADOC manual
--ansi text manual with ansi colors andeffects
--html HTML manual
--manp manual page skb-framework(1)
--pdf PDF manual
--text plain text manual
--text-anon annotated text manual
The filters shown above can be used to show different versions of the manual. The filter all will show all manual versions (it overwrites all other filters). Otherwise, any number of filters can be used in any order. The task will always show the manual in the following order:
adoc - the ADOC (AsciiDoc) manual, filter adoc
anon - the annotated text version of the manual, filter text-anon
ansi - the ANSI formatted manual, filter ansi
text - the plain text manual, filter text
manp - the manual page, filter manp
html - the HTML version in a web browser, filter html
pdf - the PDF version in a PDF viewer, filter pdf
The text versions (adoc, anon, ansi, and text) are shown using the command less
with the options -r -C -f -M -d
is used to safe (smcup
) and restore (rmcup
) the terminal context.
The manual page (manp) is shown using the command man
2.5.1. Requirements
The task requires the manual being build in the application home directory. If a requested manual version is not found, an error will be thrown.
To show HTML and PDF versions, this task uses the tasks start-browser
and start-pdf-viewer
, respectively.
Both tasks have their own configuration requirements, please see their documentation for details.
2.6. repeat-scenario
This tasks repeats a scenario. It is available in all application modes.
2.6.1. Options
The option scenario should be used to identify the scenario to repeat. The scenario must be loaded. For this option, the long or short name of the scenario can be used.
The other options determine how often the scenario should be repeated (times) and how long the task should wait between repetisions (wait). Only positive integers are allowed for both options. The default value for both options is 1. So when only provided with a scenario, the task will run it once.
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-s | --scenario SCENARIO the scenario to repeat
-t | --times INT repeat INT times
-w | --wait SEC wait SEC seconds between repeats
2.6.2. Examples
The example below will repeat the scenario S1 four times, waiting for 2 seconds between repetitions.
repeat-scenario --scenario S1 --times 4 --wait 2
2.7. repeat-task
This task will repeat a task n times and wait for s seconds between repetitions. The values for times and wait must be positive integers. The default values are repeat once (times = 1) and wait for 1 second (wait = 1).
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-t | --times INT repeat INT times
-w | --wait SEC wait SEC seconds between repeats
The task and task parameters should be provided after --
in the command line.
This task assumes that the first word after --
is the task name (or identifier, either the long or the short form) and all other characters are arguments.
The task name will be used to execute the task, the arguments then will not be processed but simply handed over to the executed task.
2.7.1. Examples
The example below will execute the task list-tasks
with the arguments -T --no-a
three times and wait for two seconds between repetitions.
repeat-task --times 3 --wait 2 — lt -T --no-a
The example below will do the exact same. It simply uses the long name of the task and the long form of its arguments
repeat-task --times 3 --wait 2 — list-tasks --table --no-a
2.8. setting
This task alters selected settings. Changeable settings are:
Print mode (--pm)
ansi for ANSI formatted text
text for plain text
text-anon for annotated text
Levels for the shell (--shell-level) or tasks (--task-level)
all - activates all levels (except off)
fatal - only fatal errors
error - fatal and standard errors
warn-strict - all errors and strict warnings
warn - all errors and warnings
info - errors, warnings, and information about the progress
debug - info plus detailed progress information
trace - debug plus further details
off - no level activated, messages and shell prompt will still be printed
Shell prompt (--snp)
alters the printing of the shell prompt between on and off
Quiet mode for shell (--sq) and tasks (--tq)
alter the quiet mode between on and off
-h | --help print help screen and exit
options for changing settings
-p | --pm MODE print mode to: ansi, text, text-anon
-S | --shell-level LEVEL change shell level to LEVEL
--snp toggle shell prompt mode
--sq toggle shell quiet mode
-s | --strict toggle strict mode
-T | --task-level LEVEL change task level to LEVEL
--tq toggle task quiet mode
Changes made by the task take immediate effect.
2.9. start-browser
This task starts web browser with a URL to show. The URL can be set with url. The URL will not be processed by the task.
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-u | --url URL optional URL to load in browser
2.9.1. Requirements
The actual command for starting a browser must be provided in BROWSER. If this parameter is not set, the task will print an error and exit. Examples for setting BROWSER are:
Firefox in a new tab:
firefox --new-tab %URL%
Firefox in a new window:
firefox --new-window %URL%
More information on the parameter BROWSER can be found in the framework manual.
2.10. start-pdf-viewer
This task starts a PDF viewer with a file to show in it. The file can be set with file.
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-f | --file FILE PDF file to open in reader
The task will test if the file is readable, and throw an error if not. It will also use a system specific path if required (for instance on Cygwin).
2.10.1. Requirements
The actual command for starting a PDF viewer must be provided in PDF_VIEWER. If this parameter is not set, the task will print an error and exit. Examples for setting PDF_VIEWER are:
acrobat %FILE%
evince %FILE%
More information on the parameter PDF_VIEWER can be found in the framework manual.
2.11. start-xterm
This task starts an X terminal, or short XTerm (or xterm), with a set title and command to run in it.
The title can be set with title.
For blanks in the title use quotes, for instance --title "My XTERM"
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-t | --title TITLE title for the XTerm, default: command name
The command to run in the started XTerm should be provided to the task after --
The task assumes that the first word there is the command name (which then is used as the default title).
All text after --
will be taken as command.
Note: this task does not take any effort to hold the XTerm, i.e. to keep it open after the command finished. Use the hold option of your preferred XTerm in XTERM to realize this feature.
2.11.1. Examples
Start an XTerm, use the default title, and run ls | more
as command.
start-xterm — ls | more
2.11.2. Requirements
The actual command for starting an XTerm must be provided in XTERM. If this parameter is not set, the task will print an error and exit. Examples for setting XTERM are:
standard executable:
xterm -T %TITLE% -e %COMMAND%
MinTTY on Cygwin:
mintty -t %TITLE% %COMMAND%
XFCE 4 Terminal:
xfce4-terminal --disable-server --title='%TITLE%' -x %COMMAND%
More information on the parameter XTERM can be found in the framework manual.
2.12. statistics
This task prints statistics about the all elements. The default, without using filters, is to print a few overview tables. The print mode can be changed using print-mode.
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-P | --print-mode MODE print mode: ansi, text, adoc
2.12.1. Filters
Using filters will provide more detailed information. Any number of filters can be used in any sequence, the tasks will print the output always in the same order:
Overview table (default, or if filter is set)
Commands (if filter is set)
Dependencies (if filter is set)
Exit status (if filter is set)
Options (if filter is set)
Parameters (if filter is set)
Tasks (if filter is set)
Scenarios (if filter is set)
-A | --all activate all filters
-c | --cmd for commands
-d | --dep for dependencies
-e | --es for exit status
-o | --opt for options
--ov overview
-p | --param for parameters
-s | --scn for scenarios
-t | --task for tasks
2.12.2. Examples
The following example requests statistics for the target overview --ov and tasks --task.
stats --ov --task
The actual output depends of course on the declared and processed tasks. An earlier version of the framework shows the following statistics.
─────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────
Tasks declared: 35 Scenarios declared: 1
Tasks loaded: 30 Scenarios loaded: 0
─────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────
Dependencies declared: 15 Parameters declared: 12
Dependencies requested: 4 Parameters requested: 8
Dependencies tested: 4 Parameters w/default val: 6
─────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────
Configuration settings: 28 Exit Status: 37
Options: 23 Commands: 11
─────────────────────────────── ───────────────────────────────
Declared: 35 Not loaded: 5
- origin: framework: 35 Unloaded: 0
- origin: app: 0 Loaded: 30
- mode: dev: 35 - errors: 0
- mode: build: 32 - warnings: 2
- mode: use: 30 - success: 28
2.13. validate-installation
This task validates an installation. For each target, it will test the following conditions:
All required or configured directories are available and readable
All required files are available and readable
All declarations have documentation files
For directories with known content, e.g. task binaries, no extra files to exist
The task will issue errors for serious problems. It will issue strict warnings for problems that should not have an impact on the application at runtime (for example extra files in a directory). It can also issue warnings for less significant problems.
When the option strict is used, all strict warnings become errors. The strict mode is useful to validate an installation before packaging an application.
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-s | --strict run in strict mode
2.13.1. Targets
By default, the task will validate all targets. If one or more targets are requested, only those targets will be validated.
-A | --all set all targets
--msrc target: manual source
--cmd target: commands
--dep target: dependencies
--es target: exit-status
--opt target: options
--param target: parameters
--scn target: scenarios
--task target: tasks
The following conditions are validated:
msrc - Manual Source
Test directory
with files for all application aspects for the manual in ADOC and text version -
Test directory
with files for all element types for the manual in ADOC and text version -
Test directory
exists with filesname.txt
cmd - Commands
Test that the command declaration directory exists
For each declared command, test the ADOC and text documentation files exist
Test that no extra files are in the command declaration directory
Note: commands are only declared in the framework, not in an application
dep - Dependencies
Test that the dependency declaration directory exists
For each declared dependency, test the ADOC and text documentation files exist
Test that no extra files are in the dependency declaration directory
Note: dependency declaration directories are tested in the framework and an application
es - Exit Status
Test that the exit-status declaration directory exists
For each declared exit-status, test the ADOC and text documentation files exist
Test that no extra files are in the exit-status declaration directory
Note: exit-status are only declared in the framework, not in an application
opt - Options
Test that the option declaration directory exists
For each declared option, test the ADOC and text documentation files exist
Test that no extra files are in the option declaration directory
Note: options are only declared in the framework, not in an application
param - Parameters
Test that the parameter declaration directory exists
For each declared parameter, test the ADOC and text documentation files exist
Test that no extra files are in the parameter declaration directory
Note: parameter declaration directories are tested in the framework and an application
scn - Scenarios
Test that the scenario declaration directory exists
For each declared scenario, test the ADOC and text documentation files exist
For each declared scenario, test that the scenario script file exists
Test that no extra files are in the scenario declaration directory
Note: scenario declaration directories are tested in the framework, an application, and for each directory in SCENARIO_PATH
task - Tasks
Test that the task declaration directory exists
For each declared task, test the ADOC and text documentation files exist
Test that no extra files are in the task declaration directory
For each declared task, test that the task script file exists
Test that no extra files are in the task script directory
Note: task declaration directories are tested in the framework and an application
2.14. wait
This tasks waits for a given amount of seconds. It can be used to slow down task execution, for instance in a scenario. It is available in all application modes.
2.14.1. Options
The option seconds takes a positive integer as argument for the number of seconds to wait. The default, without this option, is 1.
The actual wait time depends on the underlying system. Since wait is a task, a new bash instance is created to execute it. This creation does take time, less on powerful UNIX hosts than for instance on Cygwin or a Raspberry PI. On native UNIX systems the creation time should not be significant. The actual wait time will be printed when the task finishes.
Since bash does not support floating point or double integer values, only positive integers can be used.
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-s | --seconds SEC wait SEC seconds, default is 1
2.14.2. Examples
The example below will wait for 3 seconds, plus the time it takes to execute the wait task itself.
wait --seconds 3
3. Build Tasks
This category of tasks either builds artifacts or compiles source files to create artifacts.
Those tasks should be available in the application mode build, but no use.
They might be available in the application mode dev if required.
The exception to this general rule is the task build-manual
, since it can be used to build an application-mode-specific manual and might thus be required in all application modes.
By conventions, all build and compile tasks should provide an argument -c
or --clean
This argument should clean (remove) all built or compiled artifacts (and directories if applicable).
3.1. build-manual
This tasks builds the application manual.
It uses the metadata provided by the element definitions (e.g. for a task in the task’s .adoc
file) and the general text from the application manual folder in etc/manual
The actual manual text comes from the AsciiDoctor files with the extension adoc
Element lists (e.g. for tasks or parameters) also use the description from the elements definition (in the id
Building the manual involves different steps, depending on the selected target:
ADOC: generate an aggregated ADOC file with all text and lists.
TEXT: convert the ADOC text into well-formatted paragraphs of plain or ANSI text, then build aggregated documents for text or ANSI formatted text. The converted text is saved in the
file along with the originaladoc
file, since it is also used for the online help. -
MANP, PDF, HTML: use the aggregated ADOC file and the AsciiDoctor tool chain to generate a manpage, a single HTML file, or a PDF file. These targets require AsciiDoctor (manp, html) and AsciiDoctor-PDF (pdf) installed.
For all targets, the task will validate the installation to ensure that all required manual source files (adoc and txt files) are accessible. If the validation does not pass successfully, no manual artifact will be build.
The general structure is the same for all targets, i.e. the task will create the same manual just for different output formats. The structure is similar to other manual pages:
Name and Synopsis: name, tag line, general description on how to start the application
Description: a description of the application
Options: a description of command line (CLI) options, including a list of options Options are further categorized as exit options (application will process option and exit) and runtime options (directing runtime behavior).
Parameters: a description and list of parameters that can be used to configure the application and its tasks.
Tasks: a description and list of tasks provided by the application
Dependencies: a description and list of dependencies (that tasks might require)
Shell Commands: a description and list of commands the interactive shell provides
Exit Status: a description and list of the different exit status codes and messages.
Scenarios: a description and list of scenarios provided by the application
Security Concerns: remarks on potential or actual security concerns when running the application
Bugs: notes on known bugs
Authors: list of authors
Resources: list of resources
Copying: notes on copyright and other related aspects
The task then provides negative filters to exclude parts of this general structure (with the exception of name and synopsis). This allows to generate tailored manuals for any application need.
The generated targets can also be tested, i.e. shown using external applications.
All text formats (adoc, plain text, ANSI formatted text, annotated text) are shown using less
The manpage is shown using the command man
HTML and PDF files are shown with a web browser and a PDF reader, respectively.
Note: the parameters BROWSER
must be set to test these targets.
Depending on the selected targets, the task generates the following output files:
- aggregated ADOC file with all text for the manual -
- plain text file manual -
- annotated plain text manual -
- ANSI formatted text manual -
- single file HTML manual -
- single file PDF manual -
- the generated manpage
In warning and info level, the task does not output any information (except errors). In debug level, the task provides detailed information about the progress. Build all targets, including the ADOC to text transformation, can take a few minutes even on a powerful host.
3.1.1. Configuration
The task can be configured with two parameters:
SKB_FW_TOOL - optional, to find the tool for ADOC to text conversion, if not set, the target src cannot be build. This also requires the dependency jre to execute the tool.
MANUAL_SRC - optional, to set the source directory for the application related parts of the manual. If used, it must be a directory, readable, and with the correct source files (to pass validation).
3.1.2. Manual Source
The general text for the manual is located in the directory pointed to by the parameter MANUAL_SRC. This directory must have the following layout and contents:
├─── application (1)
│ ├─── authors.adoc (2)
│ ├─── bugs.adoc (3)
│ ├─── copying.adoc (4)
│ ├─── description.adoc (5)
│ ├─── resources.adoc (6)
│ └─── security.adoc (7)
├─── elements (8)
│ ├─── commands.adoc (9)
│ ├─── dependencies.adoc (10)
│ ├─── exit-options.adoc (11)
│ ├─── exit-status.adoc (12)
│ ├─── options.adoc (13)
│ ├─── parameters.adoc (14)
│ ├─── run-options.adoc (15)
│ ├─── scenarios.adoc (16)
│ └─── tasks.adoc (17)
└─── tags (18)
├─── authors.txt (19)
└─── name.txt (20)
1 | Directory with general application text, the .adoc source must be present, the .txt files can be generated using the target src.
For multi-paragraph text, use an empty line to separate paragraphs.
To add a list, add an empty line and then each list element in a single line starting with an asteriks * .
Finish the list with an empty line.
Nested lists are not supported. |
2 | List of authors. |
3 | Statements on bugs, known problems, etc. |
4 | Statements on copyright, licenses, etc. |
5 | A description of the application. |
6 | Links to resources, for instance a source repository or issue management or a web site. |
7 | Statements on security concerns when using the application. |
8 | Directory with text for the framework elements, the .adoc source must be present, the .txt files can be generated using the target src.
For the ADOC source, the same rules as for the application directory apply. |
9 | Introduction to shell commands. |
10 | Introduction and text for dependencies. |
11 | Text for exit command line options. |
12 | Text for exit status codes and error messages. |
13 | Introduction and text for command line options. |
14 | Introduction and text for parameters. |
15 | Text for runtime command line options. |
16 | Introduction and text for scenarios. |
17 | Introduction and text for tasks. |
18 | Directory with tags, these files are used as plain text files. |
19 | A list of authors, used in the ADOC file header. |
20 | A tag line for the application, used in the name and synopsis sections. |
3.1.3. General Options
Following the SKB-Framework convention, the task has two main options: clean to remove built manual artifacts and build to build them. When build is used, other general options and filters can be used to direct the build:
all - build everything (src, primary targets, secondary targets)
primary - build all primary targets, i.e. src and adoc
secondary - build all secondary targets, i.e. text (plain, ANSI, annotated), manp, html, and pdf
-A | --all set all targets, overwrites other options
-b | --build builds a manual (manpage), requires a target
-c | --clean removes all target artifacts
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-p | --primary set all primary targets
-s | --secondary set all secondary targets
-t | --test test a manual (show results), requires a target
3.1.4. Target Options
Targets can also be selected individually. The target options can be used in any sequence in the command line, the task will automatically generate all manual artifacts in the correct order. For the secondary targets that require adoc to be build, the task will also automatically generate adoc if the file does not exist. Text sources (target src) are not created automatically, only on request.
--adoc secondary target: text versions: ansi, text
--html secondary target: HTML file
--manp secondary target: man page file
--pdf secondary target: PDF file)
--text secondary target: text versions: ansi, text
--src primary target: text source files from ADOC
3.1.5. Element List Filters
Some parts of the manual list application elements. For selected element types, the element list filters can be used to direct what these lists contain:
loaded - applies to task lists and scenario lists. If not used, all tasks and all scenarios will be listed. If this option is used, only the loaded tasks and scenarios are listed. Loaded here means that the elements are defined for mode the application was started in and have been successfully loaded.
install - do list tasks and scenarios that are defined for the application mode flavor
By default, tasks and scenarios defined for the application mode flavorinstall
are not listed in the manual. If used, any task or scenario defined for the flavorinstall
will be listed. This filter also extends to parameters and dependencies. If used, parameters and dependencies that are only required by one or moreinstall
tasks or scenarios will be listed. -
requested - applies to dependency lists and parameter lists. If not used, all dependencies and all parameters will be listed. If this option is used, only the requested dependencies and parameters are listed. Requested here means any dependency or parameter requested by a loaded task.
-I | --install do list 'install' app mode flavor tasks and scenarios
-l | --loaded list only loaded tasks and scenarios
-r | --requested list only requested dependencies and parameters
3.1.6. Application Filters
These filters are negative filters to exclude general (application related) parts of the manual. The option name corresponds to the heading in the general manual structure described above. The default behavior is to include all general parts.
--no-authors do not include authors
--no-bugs do not include bugs
--no-copying do not include copying
--no-resources do not include resources
--no-security do not include security
3.1.7. Element Filters
These filters are negative filters to exclude element description or element lists. By default, all element descriptions and all element lists are included in the manual. To no show a list, use the no-*-list options. To now show any description for an element type, use the no-* options (without -list).
To give an example: to show all information about tasks do not use any of these filters. To show the general text, but no task list, use --no-task-list. To no show any information about tasks, use --no-tasks.
--no-commands do not include commands
--no-command-list include command text, but no list
--no-deps include dependency text, but no list
--no-dep-list do not include dependencies
--no-exitstatus do not include exit status
--no-exitstatus-list include exit status text, but no list
--no-options do not include options
--no-option-list include option test, but no list
--no-params do not include parameters
--no-param-list include parameter text, but no list
--no-scenarios do not include scenarios
--no-scenario-list include scenario text, but no list
--no-tasks do not include tasks
--no-task-list include task text, but no list
3.1.8. Examples
The following example will use the framework tool to convert adoc sources into well-formatted plain text.
build-manual --build --src
The following examples builds the targets adoc, text, manp, html, and pdf. All tasks and scenarios will be listed. Only requested dependencies and parameters will be listed.
build-manual --build --requested --adoc --text --manp --html --pdf
3.1.9. Task Requirements
The task has the following requirements:
SKB_FW_TOOL - optional, to find the tool for ADOC to text conversion, if not set, the target src cannot be build. This also requires the dependency jre to execute the tool.
MANUAL_SRC - optional, to set the source directory for the application related parts of the manual. If used, it must be a directory, readable, and with the correct source files (to pass validation).
asciidoctor - optional dependency required to generate manp and html targets. If it does not exist, these targets cannot be generated.
asciidoctor-pdf - optional dependency required to generate the pdf target. If it does not exist, this target cannot be generated.
start-browser - optional task to start a web browser testing the generated html target. If not present,not successfully loaded, or has missing parameters, the target html cannot be tested.
start-pdf-viewer - optional task to start a PDF reader testing the generated pdf target If not present,not successfully loaded, or has missing parameters, the target pdf cannot be tested.
The task will automatically test of the required directories exist. If not, they need to be created manually, since the task does not create any directories:
- for the manp target -
- for all other targets
A few standard framework tasks are also required (all of them are mandatory and included in a standard framework installation):
describe-option - this task is used to generate option lists.
describe-parameter - this task is used to generate the parameter list.
describe-task - this task is used to generate the task list it is a mandatory.
describe-dependency - this task is used to generate the dependency list.
describe-existatus - this task is used to generate the exit status list.
describe-command - this task is used to generate the command list.
describe-scenario - this task is used to generate the scenario list.
validate-installation - this task is used to validate all input required for the manual, i.e. adoc and txt files
3.1.10. Notes
This task will change directories and files in the application (or framework) installation. Sufficient permissions must exist to run this task successfully.
3.2. build-mvn-site
This task can be used to build Maven sites. Beside calling Apache Maven, it also provides functionality to run scripts before building and before staging a site. Those scripts can take full advantage of the framework and its API. This allows to build even very complex sites in an automated way, with features realized outside the Maven build process but fully integrated into the overall site building.
The task is not specific to one site, but can build one or more sites, even within one execution.
The parameter MVN_SITES is used to identify the sites that can be build.
It should contain a set of paths to the site directories.
Each of these directories should contain a pom file (pom.xml
) with the Maven specifications for the site.
It also should contain a framework-specific metadata file (
It might contain a file skb-site-scripts.skb
with scripts to be run before the site build and before the site staging.
The general options, shown below, allow to direct the behavior of the task.
build - request one or more sites to be built
clean - requests to clean one or more sites. Clean will call
mvn clean
to do the job -
list - will list all defined and loaded sites, which then can be build or cleaned.
test - once a site is successfully build, it can be tested. Testing here means to start a web browser with the site’s
-b | --build builds site(s), requires a target and site ID or all
-c | --clean cleans all site(s)
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-l | --list list sites
-T | --test test sites, open in browser
3.2.1. Target Options
The task can build a Maven site for several targets:
targets - builds all targets
ad - calls Maven with the argument
. This argument is important for multi-module sites with inherited descriptors -
site - calls Maven to build the site, but not stage it
stage - calls Maven to stage a site that has been prior built successfully
-t | --targets mvn: all targets
--ad mvn: site:attach-descriptor
--site mvn: site
--stage mvn: site:stage
There is no default target.
3.2.2. Filter Options
Filters allow to specify which of the loaded (and available) sites should be built:
all - will build all sites, in the oder they are listed (alphabetically)
id - can be used to build a specific site
-A | --all all sites
-i | --id ID site identifier for building
There is no default filter.
3.2.3. Maven Options
Further options exist to configure the runtime behavior of Maven:
profile - call Maven with a specific profile setting, e.g. when the site definitions in the POM file are within a profile
--profile PROFILE mvn: use profile PROFILE
3.2.4. Examples
The framework’s own site can be build using this task. When correctly configured, the site can be listed
build-mvn-site --list
This will show (with a real path instead of SOME_PATH)
Sites fw - SKB Framework site - SOME_PATH/dev/skb/bash/framework
The site can then be build using
build-mvn-site --build --id fw
The task and Maven output will be similar to:
[INFO] Scanning for projects... [WARNING] The project de.vandermeer:skb-framework:pom:0.0.1 uses prerequisites which is only intended for maven-plugin projects but not for non maven-plugin projects. For such purposes you should use the maven-enforcer-plugin. See [INFO] [INFO] --------------------< de.vandermeer:skb-framework >--------------------- [INFO] Building skb-framework 0.0.1 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 0.079 s [INFO] Finished at: 2018-11-15T21:08:19Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -> building user guide (html, pdf) -> building task guide (html, pdf) -> building developer guide (html, pdf) -> building implementation doc (html, pdf)
Setting the task level to info will provide more information on the task’s progress.
3.2.5. Site Files
As mentioned above, a site suitable for this task should provide a file with its metadata and might provide a file with scripts to be used in the build. Both files must be located in the same directory as the POM file.
The metadata file must be named
It must contain the following information:
An identifier. This identifier can be any string that does not contain whitespaces or bash special characters (such as
). The identifier must be unique for all site in MVN_SITES. -
A description. The description should be short, like a tag line, to fit into the listing of sites.
The source block below shows the file for the frameworks' site.
DESCRIPTION="the SKB Framework site"
The file skb-site-scripts.skb
could be provided.
If it does not exist, the task will build the site purely using Maven.
If it does exist, the task will source the file and call two functions the file must provide.
This means that the file can
Use anything a normal bash script can do at any place in the file
Use anything a normal bash script can do inside the two required functions
Use the full framework settings and API at any place in the file
The following code block shows the standard contents of the script file with the two required functions:
MvnSitePreScript() {
# any code run before Maven is called to build the site
MvnSitePostScript() {
# any code run `mvn site` but before `mvn site:stage`
To see an example have a look at the framework’s script file.
The current file can be found in the Github repository: skb-site-scripts.skb.
Here, the function MvnSitePreScript
executes framework tasks to create files for the site.
The function MvnSitePostScript
calls tools from the AsciiDoctor tool chain to create documents.
It also uses the framework’s API function MvnSiteFixAdoc
, which helps to fix some AsciiDoctor problem in generated HTML files in the site.
3.2.6. Requirements
The task takes the sites it should load and build from the parameter MVN_SITES. If no sites are provided, or no sites could be loaded (due to a missing side identifier file), the task will throw an error.
Building a Maven site of course requires Maven (dependency maven), which in turn requires a JDK to be installed on the host as well.
Testing a site is done by starting a web browser with the site’s index.html
This requires the task start-browser
to be loaded and well-configured.
Without this task be available, sites cannot be tested.
3.3. clean
This tasks cleans, i.e. removes, all artifacts that have been build by other tasks. In addition to that, the directory set by the parameter TARGET will be removed.
The task does not actually remove any built artifacts itself.
It uses the -c
(or --clean
) option of all tasks that do build artifacts.
By convention, these are tasks whose name starts with build- or compile-.
So clean will lookup the loaded task map, find all tasks that start with build- or compile- and execute them with the --clean
If any of these tasks fails (for instance due to missing parameters), clean will also fail.
3.3.1. Options
The option simulate can be used to simulate a clean. Here, not task will be executed and the directory TARGET will not be removed either. Instead, the task will simply print what commands it would run.
The default command to remove the TARGET directory is rm -frI
This is an additional safety feature to prevent accidental removal of the directory.
The option force can be used to remove the directory forced, i.e. using rm -fr
simulate will overwrite force.
-f | --force force mode, not questions asked
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-s | --simulate print only, removes nothing, overwrites force
3.4. make-target-sets
This task can be used to build Maven sites. Beside calling Apache Maven, it also provides functionality to run scripts before building and before staging a site. Those scripts can take full advantage of the framework and its API. This allows to build even very complex sites in an automated way, with features realized outside the Maven build process but fully integrated into the overall site building.
The task is not specific to one site, but can build one or more sites, even within one execution.
The parameter MVN_SITES is used to identify the sites that can be build.
It should contain a set of paths to the site directories.
Each of these directories should contain a pom file (pom.xml
) with the Maven specifications for the site.
It also should contain a framework-specific metadata file (
It might contain a file skb-site-scripts.skb
with scripts to be run before the site build and before the site staging.
The general options, shown below, allow to direct the behavior of the task.
build - request one or more sites to be built
clean - requests to clean one or more sites. Clean will call
mvn clean
to do the job -
list - will list all defined and loaded sites, which then can be build or cleaned.
test - once a site is successfully build, it can be tested. Testing here means to start a web browser with the site’s
-b | --build builds site(s), requires a target and site ID or all
-c | --clean cleans all site(s)
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-l | --list list sites
-T | --test test sites, open in browser
3.4.1. Target Options
The task can build a Maven site for several targets:
targets - builds all targets
ad - calls Maven with the argument
. This argument is important for multi-module sites with inherited descriptors -
site - calls Maven to build the site, but not stage it
stage - calls Maven to stage a site that has been prior built successfully
-t | --targets mvn: all targets
--ad mvn: site:attach-descriptor
--site mvn: site
--stage mvn: site:stage
There is no default target.
3.4.2. Filter Options
Filters allow to specify which of the loaded (and available) sites should be built:
all - will build all sites, in the oder they are listed (alphabetically)
id - can be used to build a specific site
-A | --all all sites
-i | --id ID site identifier for building
There is no default filter.
3.4.3. Maven Options
Further options exist to configure the runtime behavior of Maven:
profile - call Maven with a specific profile setting, e.g. when the site definitions in the POM file are within a profile
--profile PROFILE mvn: use profile PROFILE
3.4.4. Examples
The framework’s own site can be build using this task. When correctly configured, the site can be listed
build-mvn-site --list
This will show (with a real path instead of SOME_PATH)
Sites fw - SKB Framework site - SOME_PATH/dev/skb/bash/framework
The site can then be build using
build-mvn-site --build --id fw
The task and Maven output will be similar to:
[INFO] Scanning for projects... [WARNING] The project de.vandermeer:skb-framework:pom:0.0.1 uses prerequisites which is only intended for maven-plugin projects but not for non maven-plugin projects. For such purposes you should use the maven-enforcer-plugin. See [INFO] [INFO] --------------------< de.vandermeer:skb-framework >--------------------- [INFO] Building skb-framework 0.0.1 [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 0.079 s [INFO] Finished at: 2018-11-15T21:08:19Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -> building user guide (html, pdf) -> building task guide (html, pdf) -> building developer guide (html, pdf) -> building implementation doc (html, pdf)
Setting the task level to info will provide more information on the task’s progress.
3.4.5. Site Files
As mentioned above, a site suitable for this task should provide a file with its metadata and might provide a file with scripts to be used in the build. Both files must be located in the same directory as the POM file.
The metadata file must be named
It must contain the following information:
An identifier. This identifier can be any string that does not contain whitespaces or bash special characters (such as
). The identifier must be unique for all site in MVN_SITES. -
A description. The description should be short, like a tag line, to fit into the listing of sites.
The source block below shows the file for the frameworks' site.
DESCRIPTION="the SKB Framework site"
The file skb-site-scripts.skb
could be provided.
If it does not exist, the task will build the site purely using Maven.
If it does exist, the task will source the file and call two functions the file must provide.
This means that the file can
Use anything a normal bash script can do at any place in the file
Use anything a normal bash script can do inside the two required functions
Use the full framework settings and API at any place in the file
The following code block shows the standard contents of the script file with the two required functions:
MvnSitePreScript() {
# any code run before Maven is called to build the site
MvnSitePostScript() {
# any code run `mvn site` but before `mvn site:stage`
To see an example have a look at the framework’s script file.
The current file can be found in the Github repository: skb-site-scripts.skb.
Here, the function MvnSitePreScript
executes framework tasks to create files for the site.
The function MvnSitePostScript
calls tools from the AsciiDoctor tool chain to create documents.
It also uses the framework’s API function MvnSiteFixAdoc
, which helps to fix some AsciiDoctor problem in generated HTML files in the site.
3.4.6. Requirements
The task takes the sites it should load and build from the parameter MVN_SITES. If no sites are provided, or no sites could be loaded (due to a missing side identifier file), the task will throw an error.
Building a Maven site of course requires Maven (dependency maven), which in turn requires a JDK to be installed on the host as well.
Testing a site is done by starting a web browser with the site’s index.html
This requires the task start-browser
to be loaded and well-configured.
Without this task be available, sites cannot be tested.
4. Development Tasks
This category of tasks provides functionality required to develop an application or the framework.
This can include the creation of required or optional runtime artifacts.
Tasks that start with build-
or compile-
should provide an argument -c
or --clean
to clean (i.e. remove) artifacts.
Most dev tasks should only be available in the dev application mode.
4.1. build-cache
This task creates cached information about the application (or framework).
This cache is not required to run an application.
All functionality can be loaded at startup without a cache.
However, caches can speedup the application load as well as some runtime behavior namely the list-*
tasks and the help on all tasks.
On powerful hosts the cache will not provide any advantage. On less powerful hosts (for instance a Raspberry PI) or on systems with slower output (e.g. using ANSI formatted text n Cygwin), a cache can significantly improve performance.
Without any arguments, the standard cache (for all declarations) is being build. clean will clean all cached information.
-b | --build builds cache, requires a target
-c | --clean removes all cached maps and screens
-h | --help print help screen and exit
4.1.1. General Target Options
Target options can be used to set specific cache targets.
all - for all targets, except individual tasks
decl - to cache element declarations. Except for parameters, all other elements will be cached: options, commands, dependencies, tasks, and scenarios. For scenarios, only the standard directories of application and framework are cached, additional scenario directories (from SCENARIPO_PATH) will not be cached.
full - cache everything, including individual tasks. This will cache declarations, tables, and the help screen of every loaded task.
tab - cache table representations of all elements. This cache is used by the
tasks at runtime.
target options
-A | --all set all targets, except tasks
-d | --decl set all declaration targets
-f | --full set all targets, including tasks
-t | --tab set all table targets
4.1.2. Targets
Beside the general targets, the task can also be run with very specific targets, shown below. Here, declaration and table caches can be requested for each element type.
--cmd-decl target: command declarations
--cmd-tab target: command table
--es-decl target: exit-status declarations
--es-tab target: exit-status table
--opt-decl target: option declarations
--opt-tab target: option table
--dep-decl target: dependency declarations
--dep-tab target: dependency table
--param-tab target: parameter table
--task-decl target: task declarations
--task-tab target: task table
--tasks target: help screens for all(!) tasks
4.1.3. Requirements
This task requires the parameter CACHE_DIR to be set.
Since this parameter has the default value of /var/cache/$APP_NAME
it is always set.
4.1.4. Notes
This task will change directories and files in the cache directory. Sufficient permissions must exist to run this task successfully.
Care should be taken when using specific configurations for CACHE_DIR. Since there can be any number of SKB application installed on a single system, the cache directory should be different per application. Otherwise there can be unexpected behavior, especially for the declaration caches.
When declarations of cached elements (for instance a task) are changed, the cache is not automatically changed. This means, the changes will have no effect on the application load. This can lead to unexpected behavior. If caches are used, they should be cleared and rebuild whenever declarations change.
4.2. build-help
This task builds the help files for command line options and shell commands. These help files are used by the framework when
An application is started with the help argument
and -
When help is requested in the interactive shell using the shell command
, orhelp
In a standard installation, these help files should already exist. For example, the DEB and RPM distributions should create those files during the installation process (actually using this task).
The option clean is added by convention. It does not actually remove the help files, since this would break the installation of an application.
-c | --clean added by convention, does nothing
-h | --help print help screen and exit
4.2.1. Requirements
The task requires an installation of the framework.
It also requires the tasks list-options
and list-commands
being loaded (this should be the default).
4.2.2. Notes
This task will change directories and files in the framework installation. Sufficient permissions must exist to run this task successfully.
4.3. download-fw-tool
This tasks uses CURL to download the SKB Framework Tool. The framework tool is an executable Java JAR file, including all dependencies. It is published on Bintray using the same version as the SKB Framework. The URL for download (without the filename) is: .
The framework tool provides mechanisms to convert ADOC text into formatted plain text.
It is used for instance by the task build-manual
to create formatted text versions of the manual.
The task uses the setting of the parameter SKB_FRAMEWORK_TOOL
to determine which JAR file it should download.
The output directory will be created if it does not exist.
If the JAR file already exists, no download will be started (use the force option to force a download).
4.3.1. Options
The option simulate can be used to simulate all task actions. In this mode, the task will only print what it would do. The option force can be used to force a download even if the JAR file already exists. simulate will overwrite force.
-f | --force force mode, not questions asked
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-s | --simulate print only, downloads nothing, overwrites force
4.4. set-file-versions
This task changes version information in source file headers. It runs Apache ANT using a simple build script, which in turn calls a macro that changes the version line. The default build and macro files change java files and all relevant framework files. These files can be used as template for writing other substitutions, if required.
-b | --build-file FILE ANT build file
-d | --directory DIR start directory with source files
-h | --help print help screen and exit
-m | --macro-file FILE ANT macro file
-v | --version VERSION new version string
4.4.1. Examples
The following example will change the version in all files in the directory src to 0.1.0. It will use the default build and macro file.
set-file-versions --version 0.1.0 --directory ./src
4.4.2. Requirements
The task requires Apache ANT (dependency ant). It also needs the parameters VERSIONS_BUILD_FILE and VERSIONS_MACRO_FILE to be set. Both parameters come with default values (the build and macro file provided by the framework). Settings these parameters will make the task using different build or macro files.
4.4.3. The Build File
The build file is a file called build.xml
with information for ANT on what to build, and how.
The default build file provided by the framework should be sufficient for all use cases.
The XML below shows the default build file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="pm" default="skb-set-versions">
<!-- ant -f ant/build.xml -DmoduleVersion=VERSION_STRING -DmoduleDir=../ -DmacroFile=SOME_FILE -->
<property name="module.version" value="${moduleVersion}"/>
<condition property="macroFile" value="macro.xml">
<isset property="macroFile"/>
<import file="${macroFile}"/>
<target name="skb-set-versions">
<push-version module.dir="${moduleDir}" sourceEncoding="UTF-8" />
The build file is kept very simple.
The version string is provided by the setting moduleVersion
, which is translated into the property module.version
The macro file is either provided by a setting macroFile
or as the default value macro.xml
If the default value is used, the macro file must be in the same directory as the build file.
The build file then define its only target skb-set-versions
For the actual substitution of strings, the build file calls a macro push-version
The start directory is provided by the setting moduleDir
, which is translated into a property module.dir
for the macro.
Line 3 shows an example use of the build file from the command line.
4.4.4. The Macro File
The macro file is called macro.xml
(default) or defined in the build file (see above).
The actual macro then must be called push-version
The following source block shows the default macro file provided by the framework.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="skb-set-versions">
<macrodef name="push-version" description="Updates the internal version string of all SKB-Framework source files.">
<attribute name="module.dir"/>
<replaceregexp byline="false" encoding="UTF-8">
<!-- sed "s/^ \* @version.*$/ \* @version ${version}/" -->
<regexp pattern=" \* @version(.*)"/>
<substitution expression=" \* \@version ${module.version}"/>
<fileset dir="@{module.dir}" >
<include name="src/**/*.java" />
<replaceregexp byline="false" encoding="UTF-8">
<!-- sed "s/^## @version.*$/ \*## @version ${version}/" -->
<regexp pattern="## @version(.*)"/>
<substitution expression="## @version ${module.version}"/>
<fileset dir="@{module.dir}" >
<include name="src/main/bash/**/*.sh" />
<include name="src/main/bash/**/*.id" />
<include name="src/main/bash/scenarios/**/*.scn" />
<include name="src/main/bash/bin/skb-framework" />
<include name="src/main/bash/bin/**/_include" />
<exclude name="**/" />
The main functionality is a sequential execution of a regular expression replacement (replaceregexp
), for all files satisfying the given filters.
Replacements are done en block (i.e. not by line).
The encoding is always UTF-8,
For each replacement:
- defines the search pattern. This pattern is essentially a comment (in the respective source file language), followed by the string ` @version` and the rest of the actual line. -
- defines the replacement string This string starts with the same comment, ` @version ` string, then followed by the new version${module.version}
. -
- defines which files should be processed. Files are taken from the start directory.include
defines include patterns.exclude
defines exclude patterns. Globbing is used to catch all files recursively. For instancesrc/*/.java
will process all files with the
in the folder@{module.dir}/src
The following examples show a number of standard patterns and substitution expressions.
sed "s/^ \* @version.*$/ \* @version ${version}/"
regexp pattern=" \* @version(.*)"
substitution expression=" \* \@version ${module.version}"
files: **/*.java
sed "s/^ \/\/ @version.*$/ \* @version ${version}/"
regexp pattern="// @version(.*)"
substitution expression="// \@version ${module.version}"
files: **/*.java, files: **/*.cpp
sed "s/^# @version.*$/ \*# @version ${version}/"
regexp pattern=" # @version(.*)"
substitution expression=" # \@version ${module.version}"
files: **/*.sh
sed "s/^## @version.*$/ \*## @version ${version}/"
regexp pattern="## @version(.*)"
substitution expression="## @version ${module.version}"
files: **/*.sh