Thomas Magedanz: Intelligent Network Evolution, 1999
Tom Pfeifer: Automatic Conversion of Communication Media, 1999
Aiko Pras: Network Management Architectures, 1995
Keara Barrett: A Framework for the Semantic Translation of Policy Language Concepts, 2009
Steven Davy: Harnessing Information Models and Ontologies for Policy Conflict Analysis, 2008
Roy Thomas Fielding: Architectural Styles and the Design of Network-based Software Architectures, 2000
Brendan Jennings: Network-oriented Load Control for SS.7/IN, 2001
Declan O’Sullivan: The OISIN framework: Ontology Interoperability in support of Semantic Interoperability, 2006
John C. Strassner: Enabling Autonomic Network Management Decisions Using a Novel Semantic Representation and Reasoning Approach, 2009
Sven van der Meer: Middleware and Application Management Architecture, 2002
Amy de Buitléir: Data Mining Using Artificial Life with Popperian-level Intelligence, 2017
Liam Fallon: Semantic-based Service Analysis and Optimization, 2013
Korbinian Frank: Adaptive and Tractable Bayesian Context Inference for Resource Constrained Devices, 2011
Griffin Leigh: Managing the Formation and Interaction of Groups within Emerging Social Networks, 2012
Vladimír Veselý: A new Dawn of Naming, Addressing and Routing on the Internet, 2015
Lei Xu: Automating the Generation, Deployment and Application of Charging Schemes for Composed Communications Services, 2010
M.Sc. / Diplom
Stefan Arbanowski: Generic Description of Telecommunication Services and Dynamic Resource Selection in Intelligent Communication Environments, 1996
Andreas Dannert: Call Logic Service for a Personal Communication supporting System, 1998
Stefan Franz: Job and Stream Control in Heterogeneous Hardware and Software Architectures, 1998
Frank Gadegast: TCP/IP-basierte Dienste zur Speicherung von Multimedia-Daten, 1995
Jens Hünerberg: Evaluating Object Oriented Databases for a Location Aware Application Platform, 1999
Stephan Steglich: Management of Distributed Objects in Middleware Platforms, 1998
Sven van der Meer: Dynamic Configuration Management of the Equipment in Distributed Communication Environments, 1996
Markus Zell: Selection of Converter Chains by Means of Quality of Service Analysis, 1998
Ulla Becker: An Approach for Quality Assurance Management in decentralised Software Engineering Environments in context of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, 2005
Stipe Bozinovic-Mador: Distributed Parlay Resource API based on CT Media, 2001
Darach Cawley: Development of Smart Services for Smart Spaces, 2004
Ie Cu: Bridging HAVi stack and 1394 devices: the Implementation of the Windows Driver Model, 2002
Manuela-Ionelia Dini: Temporal-Oriented Policy-Driven Network Management, 2000
Simon Dutkowski: Design Patterns for Distributed Communication Systems, 2000
Michael Fahner: Information Visualization for Distributed Systems, 2002
Martin Feeney: Autonomic Management of Ubiquitous Computing Environments, 2006
Wolfram Fritzsch: Integrated Management of Distributed Components, 2001
Philipp Hünerberg: Internet-Mikrofon - Entwicklung eines Smart-IP Systems zur Audio Erfassung und Übertragung, 2002
Lars Karow: Internet Weather Report - the users perspective, 2000
Alexandros Machias: Design und Implementierung einer mehrsprachigen Datenbankmanagement-Applikation zur dezentralen Datenpflege, 2001
Elie Mbedi: A CORBA-based Approach to access distributed SQL-databases, 2000
Teri Morris: Policy based Management Using Context Mobility in Ad-hoc Networking, 2006
Hong Mu: Entwicklung seines Testkonzeptes für die Beurteilung der Skalierbarkeit von J2EE-basierten Applicationservern, 2001
Aaron Nsang: Entwurf und Implementierung eines HL7-XML Gateways zum Ex- und Import von Daten einer elektronischen Patientenakte, 2002
Robert O’Connor: An Investigation into Management Functionality for Ubiquitous Computing Environments, 2004
Syed Raza: Auswertung von Log-Informationen der PLATIN-Plattform über Web-Klienten, 2002
Jan Riedinger: Design of a Generic Media Gateway for IP Telephony, 2002
Robert Sander: Deploying Distributed Object Data to Remote Clients using structured Languages, 2000
Jochen Schönfeld: Entwicklung und Erprobung eines selbstkonfigurierenden Netzes von Smart-IP Geräten, 2002
Mario Schuster: An Open Service Platform for Context and Location Aware Applications, 2001
Mandeep Singh: Integrated Management Services for Directory, Naming, and Specification of Distributed Components, 2001
Alexander Sparkowsky: Mobilitäts- und Nachrichtendienste für drahtlos vernetzte aktive Namensschilder, 2002
Jörn von Kattchée: Design und Implementierung einer CORBA/SOAP-Bridge, 2002
Giscard Wépiwé: Design and Implementation of a Routing Mechanism for a Wireless Ad Hoc Network, 2002
Ming Yin: Design and Implementation of an ORB-based DPE Platform for Active Network Nodes, 2002