
Dependencies are specified to signify dependencies of tasks to external programs and software packages. The framework defines a set of basic dependencies, for instance Java JDK, Python 3, or Asciidoctor. Concrete applications can define their own dependencies. Tasks can then require a dependency, which will be tested on application start.

ant - software build environment

Apache Ant is required by some tasks to build or manipulate artifacts. One example is the task set-file-versions, which can be used to automatically set version information in source files. For Ant documentation and installation see

asciidoctor - ADOC processor

Asciidoctor is a tool (or rather tool chain) that takes files written in AsciiDoc (or ADOC) and produces various output formats. These formats are supported by backends. Standard backends are PDF and HTM. Others are supported by plugins. For details on Asciidoctor and its installation see .

asciidoctor-pdf - ADOC processor with PDF backend

PDF plugin for Asciidoctor to create PDF output.

cloc - ued to count Lines Of Code, static code analysis

This dependency checks for the tool CLOC, or Count Lines Of Code. This tool is used to count lines of code for a variety of languages. For details on CLOC see the Github repo at

curl - software build environment

This checks for the availability of the curl command. Curl is a library and command-line tool for transferring data using various protocols. It can be used by tasks to download artifacts.

jdk - JAVA Development Kit (JDK) 8

This is the dependency for a Java development environment, or JDK. The exact version of the JDK cannot be specified, since there is not standardized version string across the multiple options (e.g. Oracle Java, Open JDK).

jre - JAVA Runtime Environment (JRE) 8

This is the dependency for a Java runtime environment, or JRE. The exact version of the JRE cannot be specified, since there is not standardized version string across the multiple options (e.g. Oracle Java, Open JRE).

maven - software build environment

Apache Maven is required by some tasks to build artifacts. One example is the SKB site, which is build using the Maven site plugin. The dependency here requires an installed version 3 or lager of Apache Maven. For Maven documentation and installation see