
This task builds the help files for command line options and shell commands. These help files are used by the framework when

  • An application is started with the help argument -h or --help and

  • When help is requested in the interactive shell using the shell command h, ?, or help.

In a standard installation, these help files should already exist. For example, the DEB and RPM distributions should create those files during the installation process (actually using this task).

The option clean is added by convention. It does not actually remove the help files, since this would break the installation of an application.

-c | --clean       added by convention, does nothing
-h | --help        print help screen and exit


The task requires an installation of the framework. It also requires the tasks list-options and list-commands being loaded (this should be the default).


This task will change directories and files in the framework installation. Sufficient permissions must exist to run this task successfully.