

Executes a task.

Arguments Return

$1: full command line for the task


The first word from the argument is taken as the task name. This can be the task’s short or long name. The task must be loaded and available for execution.

This function will print extra information (header and footer, execution time calculations) for most tasks. The exception here are all standard tasks known to not need header and footers: list-*, describe-*, setting, manual, statistics, and wait. Also: any task execution that includes the arguments -h or --help will not see header and footer printed. For the task wait, an additional calculation of the actual wait time is displayed.

ExecuteTask "$SARG"

ExecuteTask "list-tasks -AT"


Executes a scenario.

Arguments Return

$1: scenario ID, short or long


The scenario must be loaded and available for execution.

ExecuteScenario build-site