Collection of standard print functions for keys and values.
Prints the application mode setting CONFIG_MAP["APP_MODE"]
all in red,
dev in yellow,
build in light blue, and
use in green
Prints the application mode flavor setting CONFIG_MAP["APP_MODE_FLAVOR"]
std in cyan,
install in purple
Prints the console level:
all in light cyan,
fatal in red,
error in light red,
warn-strict - here warn in yellow and strict in red,
warn in yellow,
info in green,
debug and trace in light blue, and
off and any other input in light purple.
Arguments | Return |
$1: level |
none |
PrintConsoleLevel all
Prints the strict mode setting CONFIG_MAP["STRICT"]
on in light red, and
off in light green.
Prints the quiet setting
on in light green,
off in light red, and
any other input in light purple.
Arguments | Return |
$1: setting |
none |
PrintQuiet on
Prints the shell-prompt mode setting CONFIG_MAP["SHELL_SNP"]
on in light red, and
off in light green.