Research Library

I do maintain my own research library. Essentially published (and some not formally published) items. The library is part of my SKB project on Github. I host the compiled HTML and PDF version on GH pages (SKB project). There are two main compilations: the complete library and my own publications. Everything else is grouped mainly by BibLaTeX entry types. The GH pages files are self-contained HTML documents.

Main Groups

Complete library All items I have in my library, frequently updated when I add items or fix errors. html, pdf
My own publications Complete set of my own publications. html, pdf

BibLaTeX Entry Types

Articles (journal) articles html, pdf
Book books, sorted by century and decade html, pdf
Collection collections, similar to proceedings, books with chapters written by different authors html, pdf
in Book book chapters that can be attributed to individual authors, like chapters of a collection or proceeding html, pdf
in Proceedings chapters (or sections) of a proceeding, i.e. conference papers html, pdf
Misc items that do not fit into any other category html, pdf
Movie movies, films html, pdf
Online publications that are made online, such as websites or online manuals html, pdf
Patent simply patents html, pdf
Proceedings proceedings (as an alias for collection), usually the proceeding of a conference html, pdf
Report a technical report, or a project report html, pdf
Standard standards and other publications by a Standard Defining Organisation (SDO) html, pdf
Talks talks as an uber-category for keynotes, tutorials, lecture notes, invited talks, presentations html, pdf
Thesis an M.Sc. thesis, Diploamarbeit, Ph.D. thesis, Doktorarbeit, Habilitation html, pdf
Unpublished an item that is not formally published (or not published at all) html, pdf