
There are nine tasks that start with describe-. Each of these tasks provides a description of one or more framework and application features, namely:

  • describe-application - describes one or more application aspects (from the manual)

  • describe-command - describes one or more shell commands

  • describe-dependency - describes one or more dependencies

  • describe-element - describes one or more element types of an application

  • describe-exitstatus - describes one or more exit status (error codes)

  • describe-option - describes one or more CLI options

  • describe-parameter - describes one or more parameters

  • describe-scenario - describes one or more scenarios

  • describe-task - describes one or more tasks

All of these tasks have the same default behavior, provide the same main options, and can be used with (then task specific) filters. The default behavior, when executed without any arguments, is to provide a list of descriptions. For example, when describe-task is called it provides list of task descriptions, one per declared task. The description will be empty if no items where found, e.g. in describe-scenario when no scenarios have been loaded.

The standard options are shown below. print-mode can be set to any mode that is supported by the API, namely:

  • adoc - print in AscciDoc format

  • ansi - print with ANSI formatting for colors and effects

  • text - print as plain text, no special formatting will be used

  • text-anon - print as text with some annotations, similar to adoc

-h | --help              print help screen and exit
-P | --print-mode MODE   print mode: ansi, text, adoc

All describe tasks with filters provide a standard filter for describing all found items, shown below. Tasks that describe elements (e.g. task, parameter, dependency) also provide a filter to only describe a single element by name (identifier). All other filters are task specific. If filters are used, only items that satisfy the filter will be described. Any number of filters can be used in any combination.

-A | --all               all settings, disables all other filters


Describe application aspects from the manual. The provided filters focus on the different aspects. If filters are used, only aspects specified will be shown. If no filters are used, all aspects are shown.

     --app               include application description
     --authors           include authors
     --bugs              include bugs
     --copying           include copying
     --resources         include resources
     --security          include security

The text is taken from the manual. This MANUAL_SRC must point to valid manual sources.


Describes one or more commands. The id filter can be used to show only a specific command. For the id, the long or the short form of the command can be used.

-i | --id ID             long command identifier


Describes one or more dependencies. Provided filters are:

  • id - identifies a specific dependency and only this one will be described

  • install - only dependencies that are only required by tasks that run in install application mode flavor

  • origin - filter by declaration origin

    • framework (as: F, f, fw, or framework), or

    • application (as: A, a, app, or application)

  • requested - show dependencies that have been requested by a loaded task

  • status - filter by dependency status

    • success (as: S, s, or success),

    • warnings (as: W, w, or warning),

    • errors (as: E, e, or error), or

    • not attempted (as: N, n, or not-attempted)

  • tested - filter dependencies that have been tested, ignoring untested dependencies

-i | --id ID             dependency identifier
-I | --install           only dependencies required only by install tasks
-o | --origin ORIGIN     only dependencies from origin: f(w), a(pp)
-r | --requested         only requested dependencies
-s | --status STATUS     only dependencies with status: (s)uccess, (w)arning, (e)rror, (n)ot attempted
-t | --tested            only tested dependencies


Describes framework and application element types, e.g. task, parameter, and description. The text is the same as used in the manual as introduction to the elements. The provided filters focus on the different element types. If filters are used, only types specified will be shown. If no filters are used, all types are shown.

     --cmd               include commands
     --dep               include dependencies
     --es                include exit status
     --opt               include options
     --param             include parameters
     --scn               include scenarios
     --task              include tasks

The text is taken from the manual. This MANUAL_SRC must point to valid manual sources.


Describes one or more exit status codes. The id filter can be used to show only a specific status code.

-i | --id ID             exit-status identifier


Describes one or more command line options. The id filter can be used to show only a specific option. For the id, the long or the short form of the option can be used. The other filters focus on the option type, being either exit options or runtime options.

-e | --exit              only exit options
-i | --id ID             long option identifier
-r | --run               only runtime options


Describes one or more parameters. The following filters are provided:

  • default - describe parameters with a set default value

  • id - only describe a specific parameter, the identifier can be given in lower-case or upper-case or mixed spelling

  • install - only parameters that are only required by tasks that run in install application mode flavor

  • origin - filter by declaration origin

    • framework (as: F, f, fw, or framework), or

    • application (as: A, a, app, or application)

  • requested - show parameters that have been requested by a loaded task

  • status - filter for parameter setting status

    • not set (as N, n, or notset)

    • set from command line option (as: O, o, option)

    • set from environment (as E, e, env, environment)

    • set from configuration file (as F, f, file)

    • set from default value (as D, d, default)

-d | --default           only parameters with a defined default value
-i | --id ID             parameter identifier
-I | --install           only parameters required only by install tasks
-o | --origin ORIGIN     only parameters from origin: f(w), a(pp)
-r | --requested         only requested dependencies
-s | --status STATUS     only parameter for status: o, f, e, d

This task can also be used to show debug information, rather than descriptions. Using the debug option will print all information about one or more parameters (depending on the used filters).

-D | --debug             print debug information instead of description


Describes one or more scenarios. Provided filters are:

  • id - only describe a specific scenario, the identifier can be the long name or the short name of the scenario

  • install - only scenarios that are defined for the install application mode flavor

  • loaded - show only scenarios currently loaded

  • mode - show only scenarios for a specific application mode

    • for mode all use A, a, All, all

    • for mode dev use D, d, Dev, dev

    • for mode build use B, b, Build, build

    • for mode use use U, u, Use, use

  • origin - * origin - filter by declaration origin

    • framework (as: F, f, fw, or framework), or

    • application (as: A, a, app, or application)

  • status - filter by scenario status

    • success (as: S, s, or success),

    • warnings (as: W, w, or warning),

    • errors (as: E, e, or error), or

    • not attempted (as: N, n, or not-attempted)

  • unloaded - filter for scenarios that have been unloaded

-i | --id ID             scenario identifier
-I | --install           only scenarios declared for application mode flavor 'install'
-l | --loaded            only loaded scenarios
-m | --mode MODE         only scenarios for application mode: dev, build, use
-o | --origin ORIGIN     only scenarios from origin: f(w), a(pp)
-s | --status STATUS     only scenarios for status: (s)uccess, (w)arning, (e)rror, (n)ot attempted
-u | --unloaded          only unloaded scenarios

This task can also be used to show debug information, rather than descriptions. Using the debug option will print all information about one or more dependencies (depending on the used filters).

-D | --debug             print debug information instead of description


Describes one or more tasks. Provided filters are:

  • id - only describe a specific task, the identifier can be the long name or the short name of the task

  • install - include tasks that are defined for the install application mode flavor

  • loaded - show only tasks currently loaded

  • mode - show only tasks for a specific application mode

    • for mode all use A, a, All, all

    • for mode dev use D, d, Dev, dev

    • for mode build use B, b, Build, build

    • for mode use use U, u, Use, use

  • origin - * origin - filter by declaration origin

    • framework (as: F, f, fw, or framework), or

    • application (as: A, a, app, or application)

  • status - filter by task status

    • success (as: S, s, or success),

    • warnings (as: W, w, or warning),

    • errors (as: E, e, or error), or

    • not attempted (as: N, n, or not-attempted)

  • unloaded - filter for tasks that have been unloaded

-i | --id ID             task identifier
-I | --install           only tasks declared for application mode flavor 'install'
-l | --loaded            only loaded tasks
-m | --mode MODE         only tasks for application mode: dev, build, use
-o | --origin ORIGIN     only tasks from origin: f(w), a(pp)
-s | --status STATUS     only tasks for status: (s)uccess, (w)arning, (e)rror, (n)ot attempted
-u | --unloaded          only unloaded tasks

This task can also be used to show debug information, rather than descriptions. Using the debug option will print all information about one or more tasks (depending on the used filters).

-D | --debug             print debug information instead of description