
This task alters selected settings. Changeable settings are:

  • Print mode (--pm)

    • ansi for ANSI formatted text

    • text for plain text

    • text-anon for annotated text

  • Levels for the shell (--shell-level) or tasks (--task-level)

    • all - activates all levels (except off)

    • fatal - only fatal errors

    • error - fatal and standard errors

    • warn-strict - all errors and strict warnings

    • warn - all errors and warnings

    • info - errors, warnings, and information about the progress

    • debug - info plus detailed progress information

    • trace - debug plus further details

    • off - no level activated, messages and shell prompt will still be printed

  • Shell prompt (--snp)

    • alters the printing of the shell prompt between on and off

  • Quiet mode for shell (--sq) and tasks (--tq)

    • alter the quiet mode between on and off

-h | --help              print help screen and exit

options for changing settings
-p | --pm MODE           print mode to: ansi, text, text-anon
-S | --shell-level LEVEL change shell level to LEVEL
     --snp               toggle shell prompt mode
     --sq                toggle shell quiet mode
-s | --strict            toggle strict mode
-T | --task-level LEVEL  change task level to LEVEL
     --tq                toggle task quiet mode

Changes made by the task take immediate effect.