
This tasks waits for a given amount of seconds. It can be used to slow down task execution, for instance in a scenario. It is available in all application modes.


The option seconds takes a positive integer as argument for the number of seconds to wait. The default, without this option, is 1.

The actual wait time depends on the underlying system. Since wait is a task, a new bash instance is created to execute it. This creation does take time, less on powerful UNIX hosts than for instance on Cygwin or a Raspberry PI. On native UNIX systems the creation time should not be significant. The actual wait time will be printed when the task finishes.

Since bash does not support floating point or double integer values, only positive integers can be used.

-h | --help          print help screen and exit
-s | --seconds SEC   wait SEC seconds, default is 1


The example below will wait for 3 seconds, plus the time it takes to execute the wait task itself.

wait --seconds 3