
This tasks repeats a scenario. It is available in all application modes.


The option scenario should be used to identify the scenario to repeat. The scenario must be loaded. For this option, the long or short name of the scenario can be used.

The other options determine how often the scenario should be repeated (times) and how long the task should wait between repetisions (wait). Only positive integers are allowed for both options. The default value for both options is 1. So when only provided with a scenario, the task will run it once.

-h | --help                print help screen and exit
-s | --scenario SCENARIO   the scenario to repeat
-t | --times INT           repeat INT times
-w | --wait SEC            wait SEC seconds between repeats


The example below will repeat the scenario S1 four times, waiting for 2 seconds between repetitions.

repeat-scenario --scenario S1 --times 4 --wait 2