
This task will repeat a task n times and wait for s seconds between repetitions. The values for times and wait must be positive integers. The default values are repeat once (times = 1) and wait for 1 second (wait = 1).

-h | --help        print help screen and exit
-t | --times INT   repeat INT times
-w | --wait SEC    wait SEC seconds between repeats

The task and task parameters should be provided after -- in the command line. This task assumes that the first word after -- is the task name (or identifier, either the long or the short form) and all other characters are arguments. The task name will be used to execute the task, the arguments then will not be processed but simply handed over to the executed task.


The example below will execute the task list-tasks with the arguments -T --no-a three times and wait for two seconds between repetitions.

repeat-task --times 3 --wait 2 — lt -T --no-a

The example below will do the exact same. It simply uses the long name of the task and the long form of its arguments

repeat-task --times 3 --wait 2 — list-tasks --table --no-a